Medical Writing Services

FTE based and project based medical writing solution

  •  Reliable, scalable and flexible operating model as FTE based or project based
  • Customized solutions to cater to the requirements of large, mid-sized, and small pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies
  • Supporting clients to accommodate their budget and timelines

Quality and experienced medical writers

  • Well qualified team of medical writers experienced in writing, reviewing documents related to medical device, pharma and biotech products
  • Excellent knowledge of regulatory requirements and guidance documents such as MEDDEV 2.7/1 Rev.4, EU MDR 2017/745, MDCG and ICH guidance
  • Experience and expertise in all major therapeutic areas and all stages of development
  • Our writers will help to strike a balance between well written, accurate, purposeful documents, and cost.

Support in clinical strategies development

  • Expert and advisory support to develop clinical strategies to present the clinical data to fulfill EU MDR requirements for device companies or ICH requirements for pharma/biotech companies
  • Our medical writers help clients design the optimal document strategies in line with the relevant regulations and guidance

Hybrid approach of combining technology with medical writers

  • MedInventas is working with technology experts to offer technology-based hybrid solution for medical writing.
  • This hybrid option will – Offer 50-70% reduction in the efforts as compared to traditional medical writing
  • Reduce the cycle time in finalizing the document
  • Offer cost-effectiveness and cost benefits for the clients

Cost-effective solution with on-shore and off-shore resources

  • Leveraging off-shore well-qualified, experienced medical writers to offer cost-saving
  • Mixed of on-shore and off-shore resources-based project delivery option without compromising on the quality and effectiveness
  • Scalable and flexible off-shore operating model for medical writing with significant cost- saving
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